Second full length by this Belgian full throttle unit. TRAVOLTA kick straight to your teeth with their hi-octane blend of fastcore and power violence, sounded like a steroid version of bands like SEEIN RED and MANLIFTINGBANNER with the mandatory INFEST influence to square the circle. The humorous vibe doesn’t water down the political message and the energy flows from the speakers making you beg for more!
- Shake That Ass
- Brainless Mess
- Burn The Notre Dame
- Modern Day Witch Hunt
- Boo To Humanity
- Short, Fast, Loud
- So We Are Extreme?
- Jesus Crost Soccer Punch
- Broken Teeth
- Bruin Rotte Zweer
- Why?
- You Have A Voice (Drop Dead)
- Capitalist Gravediggers
- Discoviolence Up Yours!
- I Wanna Be Dumb
- The End Of Drama
- Cow Shit Blues
Genres: Grindcore, Punk
Label: Selfmadegod Records
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Künstler: TRAVOLTA
Format: CD
EAN: 5904673212126
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